Sunday Forever // Ashli Stockton

Doesn't get more glowy than kimonos, candles, and incense. Ashli Stockton created Sunday Forever to bottle up all that is good and nice in life. Get a look into her brand and see just how she GLOWS.

Sunday Forever gives the gift of comfort and good vibes that we all know and love about Sundays, just every single day. A girl after our own heart, Ashli Stockton is a self-proclaimed 'leisure enthusiast'. Like us, she is obsessed with being cozy, but with style.

As Ashli says: "As a self taught leisure enthusiast and nice thing lover I embarked on a quest to design a life where each and every day had the potential to feel cozy and they were Sunday Forever - the way Sundays were meant to feel.  I’m excited to bring you Nice Things that bring comfort and help to ward off the "Sunday Blues". Here’s to Sundays, good vibes, and Nice Things. I’m glad you’re here."

Ashli had the idea to create her luxe yet cozy kimonos after she got home from a trip to Japan. She noticed that were was most certainly a gap in the apparel market for well-made yet a chic kimono that could double as a high-fashion piece. So she set out to create it herself. After leaving her corporate dream job, more on that below, she set out to surround herself and create things for all to feel their best and embody the best of vibes as possible.

All of her products are perfectly packaged and delivered straight to your doorstep. You can find bespoke candles and perfume scents created by Ashli, a range of silk and unique-patterned kimonos, incense, sage bundles, evil-eye jewelry, and crystals all on her site.


NAME: Ashli Stockton


PROFESSION: CEO of Leisure at Sunday Forever




BREAKFAST: A very intricate Smoothie every single morning

LUNCH: Big Salad

DINNER: black bean lettuce shell tacos

SNACK: pickles, sliced baby cucumbers, homemade jalapeno hummus

WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE SPOTS/RESTAURANTS TO EAT HEALTHY? By Chloe, Sweet Green, 5 Napkin burger has a great veggie burger grains and greens bowl.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE INDULGENCE? Gluten Free pasta with red sauce and burrata

WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE SPOTS/RESTAURANTS TO INDULGE? La Folia for Italian, Sushi Yasuda, Mermaid Inn for Seafood

WHAT WOULD BE YOUR LAST MEAL ON EARTH? A seafood tower for 4 minus clams and mussels, a side of mcdonalds fries, a regular coke, a nice glass of Sancerre, and a slice of coconut cream pie. OINK.

WHAT IS THE BEST DISH YOU COOK/ YOUR FAVORITE RECIPE? I love cooking! I make this really great Quinoa salad with black beans, cilantro, red onion, roasted corn and jalapeno and season with lime, salt and pepper. I make big batches and it lasts for days in the fridge.


TOP 3 ITEMS YOU ALWAYS HAVE IN YOUR KITCHEN? Citrus Fruit Baby Tomatoes Tortilla chips

WHAT IS YOUR FITNESS REGIMEN? (how often & what you do) Classical Pilates 2 x’s per week then Either Y7 (infrared yoga set to hip hop) or Bari (super fun bounce class)

WHAT IS YOUR SKINCARE ROUTINE? (products, facials, etc) Where do I even begin. This could go on for pages. I am a skincare and beauty fanatic. I do multi-masking a couple days a week depending on what my skin needs. If I’m feeling super dull or congested I’ll do an Aztec clay mask mixed with apple cider vinegar. If I’m feeling dry I’ll use the Glossier Moon Mask, and I LOVE the fresh Rose facemask all the time. I’m super loyal to Basis face wash, Ling Replenishing Hydrator,  Heritage Store Rosewater Spray (without glycerin), and The Face Shop Papaya Peeling Gel (it’s Magic!).

I tend to switch out my moisturizers depending on how my skin is feeling. If it’s feeling normal and happy I use Fresh Lotus Youth Preserve Cream, if I’m breaking out I use Tata Harpers Clarifying Moisturizer and I’ve recently become addicted to the Beauty Pie Super Stem Cell Moisture Shot Serum.

WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE MAKEUP/NATURAL BEAUTY PRODUCTS? I love 100% Pure body lotions, anything RMS, and Tata Harper.

IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND, WHAT 3 PRODUCTS WOULD YOU TAKE WITH YOU? La Natura Original Lip Balm, Aveeno Lotion/Hand Cream, Heritage Store Rosewater Spray. 

WHAT PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY/HEALTH/FITNESS/SPIRITUAL GURUS DO YOU SWEAR BY? If I want to know the real deal about beauty I go to Into The Gloss or Violet Grey. I admire Susan Miller and the Astro Twins for astrological guidance.

TOP 3 FAVORITE SONGS? I’m more of a podcast gal.


MOST LIFE-CHANGING BOOK? Start With Why by Simon Sinek

FAVORITE SHOPS/BOUTIQUES? I rarely shop and tend to wear the same things again and again. But if I do need something new I’ll go to Free People, they always have something that will work. Most of my favorite button ups have come from vintage shops and I buy my levi wedgies on amazon.


FAVORITE HOTELS? I LOVE HOTELS. Park Hyatt Tokyo, Shutters in Santa Monica, Jamaica Inn in Jamaica, Ritz Carlton Montreal, Melrose Mansion New Orleans.

WHAT IS THE BEST GIFT YOU’VE EVER RECEIVED? Anytime I come home to a neat and clean apartment and I didn’t do the cleaning ☺

MOST PROFOUND HEALING EXPERIENCE YOU’VE EVER HAD? The experiencing of leaving my job after 12 years and having the time to figure out who I really am and what’s really important to me.

WHO ARE YOUR MOST TRUSTED HEALERS? My two dogs Ted and Wyatt and my husband Alex gives the best advice and guidance on earth. When all three are combined everything is right in the world.

WHAT IS THE BIGGEST LEARNING EXPERIENCE YOU’VE HAD TO FACE AND WHAT DID YOU TAKE AWAY FROM IT? Having the courage to leave a job that no longer served me to take a chance on myself and follow my vision of living a life that I designed. The experience taught me many things but mostly that we all have the power to change things that don’t sit well with our souls, it won’t be easy but it is possible.

DESCRIBE YOUR PERFECT DAY. Wake up around 8am, coffee in bed, Today Show, brief meditation, Diner breakfast, perfect weather, gardening, prepping dinner, having some wine, watching something great on Netflix all while in a kimono.

WHAT IS YOUR MOST VALUABLE GLOW TIP/SECRET? Examine and edit your life. Get rid of or change anything that doesn’t serve you.

FAVORITE QUOTE? Fear is a Liar ( I have no idea who said it but it’s so true)


WHAT MAKES YOU GLOW? Kind words from customers. Dog cuddles. Road Trips.