Law of Attraction // Lavender + Vaseline Remedy

Like attracts like. When we feel happy, positive, and glowing, we attract those same things into our lives. Taking care of your skin is a major part of feeling good -- and when you end up smelling like calming lavender, you'll surely have glowy good vibes coming your way.


We are big fans of the Law of Attraction-- by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results. People and their thoughts are both made from "pure energy," and we know that scientifically speaking, energy attracts like energy. This same principle works within your daily life. If you take care of your body, eat good foods, nourish your skin, meditate, and focus on the goodness that is around you, you will evidently manifest positive gifts in return.

Vaseline® shared with us their new Intensive Care™ Healing Serum, which can be affordably found in many retailers across the country. We make this serum into a "Glow on a Budget" item by mixing it with some lavender oil to nourish our dry hands and nails, especially during the drier winter months. This serum is highly concentrated, so a little goes a long way. In fact, it has 10x the healing power to reverse dry skin damage, and we specifically think it works well around the nail-beds. The PPAR Activators in the serum replenish lipids and boosts the skin's natural renewal cycle. In partnership with Magnolia Bakery, they sent us 'X' shaped sweet treats, a sweet way to show the healing power of this product.

We always moisturize to heal and calm our dry skin. When mixed with our favorite lavender oil, Vaseline® Intensive Care™ Healing Serum has a scent of rose, amber and vanilla and smells pretty divine and keeps our nails and hands ultra moisturized.

Thanks to Vaseline for sending us their Intensive Care Healing Serum.