GLOW GUIDE to Autoimmune Health + Healing

For those of you who suffer from autoimmune disorders or are looking to up your immunity in general, Tara is sharing her personal toolkit that she uses to deal with her autoimmune issues, specifically Crohn’s disease. There are certainly some tips, tricks, and tools to use along the way to promote optimum healing.

On a quest to reduce inflammation, Tara has sought out some specific lifestyle changes and additions for optimum healing. GLOWING truly begins from the inside out, and the foods/drinks, and all, really affect our health. Read through these tips and follow up with any questions you have!

Make Detox a Regular Part of your Lifestyle // This is a really big part of my lifestyle. At this point it is really second nature and automatic for me. Yes I indulge in things that I love, but I also do it alongside detox practices such as drinking tons of water, lemon water, daily walks, getting in a good sweat every so often, and lots of rest.

Walter Filter // WATER is a huge part of optimum health. This water filter is a total game-changer and my absolute favorite. First off, it is beautiful, and each one is individually hand-crafted in Brooklyn. Made with three handmade ceramic sections, the simple design is so easy to use and holds over a gallon of freshly filtered water.  I use it with aBerkey Filter, which provides the ultimate in waterborne contamination removal,classifying it as a "purifier."  Toxins are present even in the best tap water, which is often bottled and sold. The production, degradation, and waste of plastic bottles (and filters!) plus the consumption and use of petroleum to make, transport and recycle them, makes bottled water too costly a beverage.

Chlorophyll Drops // I use these chlorophyll drops in water twice a week. Chrlophyll builds red blood cells, increasing hemoglobin’s capacity to capture oxygen in the lungs and distribute it throughout the body. Supporting healthy hematocrit levels, it also acts as an intestinal deodorizer and offers liver protection.

Kor Shots // I've been addicted to Kor Shots for years because of their ease of use and seal of freshness. I take them with me on airplanes, roadtrips, and on the go. I love the turmeric shot and ginger shots, and often combine them together with hot water for an immune boosting tonic.

Caster Oil Packs // Castor Oil packs are an ancient Ayurvedic remedy to sooth and support digestive health. When applied to the abdominal area, it soothes and balances the immune system and move out toxins from the body.

Lypo-Spheric Vit C // This has been in my immune booting arsenal for years. Ordinary forms of oral vitamin C are not processed in a way that is super absorbable for your body. These vitamin C gel packets encapsulates the C molecules in liposomes made from Essential Phospholipids, which protect the vitamin C from destruction in the digestive system, making it much more effective in healing.

Diffuser + Essential Oils // A large part of wellness from the inside out is reducing stress. Stress is the #1 cause of autoimmune disorders, as it truly manifests in the body as illness. For that reason, I love surrounding myself with calming tools such as essential oils and diffusers to make my space as glowy as possible. I love DoTerra essential oils and was recently introduce to Pilgrim ceramic diffuser and loving it.

Bone Broths // Bone broth is one of the most nourishing foods you can put into your body. One of our favorites, made in LA, is brothee. I keep them on hand for soups, a quick snack, and beyond.

Sauerkraut + Probiotic-Rich Foods // Gut health is a huge part of boosting your immunity. I love Farmhouse Culture for their awesome krauts and various probiotic-based foods.

Pink Himalayan Sea Salt // Sea salt is a very healing food, but be sure to know that not all sea salt is created equal. I'm obsessed with Cap Beauty's Pink Mountain Sea Salt. Sourced by hand from the high peaks of the Himalayan mountains, this fine ground crystal salt is packed with 84 vital minerals and trace elements to sustain and promote complete body function and wellbeing. This salt encourages remineralization in the body, creating space for healing.

Coconut Butter // I eat spoonfuls of coconut butter because of it's amazing healing properties. We all need to ingest fat for energy, vitality, and to offer our cells support. My favorite for neutral coconut butter is Cap Beauty, and I also love Philosophie's superfood honey and coconut butters filled with amazing ingredients like cocao, and antioxidant-rich berries, and potent greens.

Gluten Free Simple Kneads Artisan Bread// I'm not gluten-free, but I often avoid it during the week-- just to reduce inflammation and put less pressure on my digestive system. I'm in love with Simple Kneads bread, it is truly the best I've come across. If you double toast it, it is super delicious. My favorite is the pumpernickel.