Ambrosia Apples // Glowy Apple Platter

We are apple-obsessed glow girls. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, and they are really one of our favorite things to eat. Ambrosia Apples are some of the best we've come across and see why!

BC Tree Fruits, who grow Ambrosia Apples, sent us over some of their picture-perfect apples. We're smitten, to say the least. They are perfectly sweet and crunchy. We love apples for their sweetness but also their delivery of good fiber to our gut.

Ambrosia Apples are sweet and crisp, really ideal for eating straight out of the fridge (we love our apples cold) or in our favorite apple platter (recipe below). We love that Ambrosia Apples naturally take longer to oxidize/turn brown, which make them ideal for our platter, in salads, or for kid's lunches.

These specific Ambrosia Apples are home to the OG source; they come straight from the birthplace which is British Columbia. They come perfectly packaged straight to your door right from BC. Learn more about Ambrosia Apples by going to the website: Ambrosia Apples.

We LOVE making Apple Platters. They are a simple, healthy, and fun way to enjoy these delicious apples. They are really fun to eat because each bite is a bit different from the next. With an Apple Platter, you get to choose which condiment you want with each bite! It makes a great snack for yourself or even a great platter to create when you have guests over.



  • Ambrosia Apples
  • Dallop of yoghurt (dairy or dairy free)
  • 1 tsp raw honey
  • 1 tsp bee pollen
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp granola


  1. Slice your apples thinly, and arrange on a plate
  2. Place all other ingredients onto the plate, either in sections or into individual bowls
  3. Enjoy each bite of apple with different combinations from the condiments.

** This post has been sponsored by BC Tree Fruits, the opinions and language are our own and in no way do they reflect BC Tree Fruits.