Warm Water with Lemon
Part of our daily glow comes from drinking warm water with freshly squeezed lemon throughout the day. This is a practice you should certainly pick up!
As we say, glowing starts from within. Drinking warm water with lemon is one of the best ways to alkalize your body, cleanse, detoxify, hydrate and get in a good dose of vitamin C.
We recommend you drink it in the morning, preferably first thing. Warm water is best (not too hot and not cold) to assimilate to the temperature of your body. But don't be too crazy on yourself, just try to drink it throughout the day as much as you can.
Once you start drinking warm water with lemon, you'll really feel a cleansing energy within your body.
- Detoxifying
- Cleansing
- Raises pH
- Hydrating
- Vitamin C
- Clears Skin
GLOW TIP: Whenever we get to a restaurant, the first thing we ask for is some 'warm water with lemon,' and then again at the end of the meal to round things out. It helps with digestion, plus- it's completely free!
Glasses: by Illesteva |