In Crisis, An Opportunity for Wonder

In this time of Covid, mental health is more important than ever. We’ve reached out to Chandler Chang PHD, founder of Therapy Lab for some insight.

In Crisis, An Opportunity for Wonder.

Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder. -E.B. White

We’re experiencing the “pause” of a lifetime, and what will we make of it? A friend recently described this experience like standing on a bridge, and my young son asked me today if we can go to a movie theatre “when we get back from covid.”  Where are we headed, and who will we be when we get there?

Even with the loss and suffering of this crisis, I sense the presence of wonder in myself, my clients, my friends. We see birds, clouds, colors, tastes, rediscovered hobbies, and the pace of our own lives. We see each other differently—the value in our marriages, friendships, and family relationships. For many, the clarity is an enhancement; for others, the pause reveals the sharp edges (such as in couples experiencing domestic violence or dysfunction) or uncovers memories we thought were buried. 

You may find yourself newly aware of intense emotion right now. Experiencing the highs and lows of each day more acutely has been a constant for me in this pandemic experience. Without our daily routines to distract and move us swiftly along, we feel the consequences of our choices and behaviors, and we notice how we feel about ourselves. And we wonder about each other. We check in, we ask with sincerity and patience how others are doing. We linger in conversation with our neighbors or strangers, at a distance but perhaps closer than before. This crisis offers an unimaginable disruption to our frenetic lifestyles.

The heightened level of emotional awareness right now is not always easy—as seen in a number of my clients noticing intrusive memories of trauma or neglect.  Many people are finding that their thoughts turn to “unfinished emotional business” now that we can’t distract with all the distractions!  But we also have the opportunity now to journal, talk to a therapist, or talk to a friend.  

To survive this moment emotionally, we need to take care of ourselves, take care of each other and be more gentle than before. While I’m busy, I’m approaching my own life with more sanity and wonder because that’s all I know for now.  Following my instincts and emotions is the only daily certainty we have for now. I have no childcare, and my husband and I are small business owners. There are many variables, and the only constant is self-awareness and living one day at a time. 

As we think about this moment, when our routines and lives are disrupted, there’s so much opportunity to observe and to create new habits. While we don’t know what lies ahead, let’s embrace the possibility of carrying new habits forward—habits built on self-awareness and self-care so necessary during this pause.  Here are some ideas to consider! 

// Take a social media break and deepen connections. Let pleasure replace our pre-covid compulsions to do all the things you think you should. Cultivate an openness to connecting meaningfully with friends and family, whether through interactive game apps, zoom, or snail mail. Replace your insta-driven FOMO with an authentic enjoyment of your life.  

// Focus on short bits of time. Our perspective on time is different right now. Focus on one day at a time to stay present and experience wonder.  Take a break from planning—what’s the point, anyway?!

// Dream for the future with a mood board. Since everything’s up in the air, take advantage of this uncertainty by crafting your own ideas for the future.  While it’s unsettling to think about all the unknowns, we’re also left with more possibility and room for you to claim what you want for yourself. 

// Explore the world around you.  In addition to enjoying your favorite social media influencers and inspirers, take equal time to sit at your window and notice your neighbors. Watch the news, watch documentaries about people in other cultures, and explore YouTube virtual tours of other places.  In the midst of a worldwide pandemic, we can feel more connected and curious about the human race and lift ourselves in the process. 

// Practice gratitude. Start a daily practice of gratitude (i.e., identify 3 "gifts" from your day) and replace comparison with compassion.

// Anxiety = energy.  Regarding anxiety, here's the deal. As a species, we have evolved to have this feeling we call "anxiety" because those feelings motivate us to prepare, anticipate, plan. When you feel anxious, use the "energy" and "focus" that it creates to help you do those very functions--plan and prepare for a threat that you see.  If you know in your gut that there's no threat, go ahead and use that energy to create joy, exercise, engage!  

// Go on a journey of emotional awareness right now!  Know that our intense emotions are designed to guide us. If we are curious about emotion, we are less likely to get "stuck" in cycles of depression or unrelenting anxiety. Use journaling, talking honestly with others, or self-care to process your feelings as they arise.

// Commit to self-care. Commit to yourself, and you elevate your mind and spirit.

// Discover joy. In my whole life, I don’t recall a better time for us to cultivate joy in our lives. What better time to feel grateful for life. If you’re not sure how, think of earlier times in your life when you found pleasure and go from there.

If you’d like to explore therapy options while sheltering at home, we’d love to provide a free consultation at Therapy Lab.  We offer a 16-week treatment plan for anxiety, depression, and emotional disorders, along with treatment plans for insomnia (CBT-I), IBS, and bothersome relationship patterns. Many people are turning to individual therapy during this time of self-reflection and evolution.  We wish you safety and emotional wellness as we get to where we’re going.

By Chandler Chang, PhD, founder and clinical director of Therapy Lab 

Dr. Chandler Chang, PhD is the Founder and Clinical Director of Therapy Lab, a therapy start up in Downtown Los Angeles. Therapy Lab uses science backed based interventions to target individuals' goals for mental wellness.       Instagram: @therapylabinc